- 博文分享
- 2021-09-04
- 1348热度
- 37评论
大学已经陆续开学了,不知道吧里的新晋大学生们有没有配置好自己的笔记本电脑,男生们是游戏本吗?我个人是十分喜欢macbook系列的,它可以让我放弃用笔记本玩游戏的想法!因为女朋友对电子产品既不感冒又经常需要使用,我就一直有想要整理软件推荐给她的想法,正好赶上开学季,一并分享到吧里给吧友也看看吧。都是我自己电脑里正在使用或者曾经使用的,又或者有一些认定是好用软件但是用的不多的(就是有免费替代的那些)。 作为一名曾经特别喜欢折腾软件的过来人,想说一声,如果不是有使用电子学习习惯的人,还是不要折腾各种复杂的笔记软件了(反正也不看),最简单的软件一样可以达到最好的效果,我认识的学习大佬都是一手WPS/Word走天下。效率软件也是一样,沉迷于效率软件,还不如删除干扰学习/工作的软件,当然确实需要且有用,我的态度就是买它买它买断它。 另外云游戏的兴起,已经完全可以补充MacBook不能玩游戏的遗憾了,就是好的平台都需要花钱,和去网吧玩游戏一个性质了,也推荐了一个自用的云电脑平台。 《MacBook 软件》 |
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.
Your exemplary work demonstrates remarkable potential. With strategic enhancements, this foundation can be transformed into a pioneering contribution that advances the field and solidifies your position as an industry authority.